Descriptions of all the labs
- photos
- hours
- schedule of classes
- description of resources
- location
- Content creator station
- Lab list
- Media Lab (4M03)
- TV Studio / Grip Room / Green Rooms
- Programming Lab
- MakerSpace
- Safety Info
Class Support
- Skills Tests process (make demos on video as well as all documentation)
- Equipment for particular classes
- Reclaim Hosting accounts
- CA Support (appointments for help)
- Equipment stockroom description, rules, reservation system, contacts,
- Contract for equipment use
- Final Project an Internship documentation
- Lab Safety
Staff Bios
- Name
- Contact
- Roles
CT Blog
- Showcase what’s going on in the labs
- end of semester showcases
- updates rebuild
- screenings
- Projects by students, or visiting professionals
- Announcements for majors
- advisement requests
- list of courses for the coming semester
- Page or post where students can leave a comment to ask for help
- Five Year Plan Updates
- Alumni visits and work
- CT major redesign updates
- Summer Studio